Source code for jelinekstat

Module which contains the required functions to apply the statistical model for
a sample of :math:`n` second-order tensors
`Jelínek (1978) <>`_ in order to obtain the
mean tensor :math:`\\boldsymbol{k}` of the sample, the
:math:`\\boldsymbol{k}`'s principal values :math:`k_1, k_2\ \\&\ k_3`, with
their confidence intervals, and the :math:`\\boldsymbol{k}`'s principal
directions :math:`\\boldsymbol{p}_1, \\boldsymbol{p}_2\ \&\ \\boldsymbol{p}_3`
with their confidence regions.

This application program is able to plot the summary of the statistical model
described above in a stereographic projection for a better understanding of the

    * The packages `numpy <>`_,\
        `scipy <>`_,\
        `matplotlib <>`_\
        and `mplstereonet <>`_ are\
        required for using the ```` module. All of them are\
        downloadable from the PyPI repository.
    * The mathematical notation in this documentation is taken from the\
        original reference\
        `Jelínek (1978) <>`_.
    * Copyright (c) 2018, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Medellín.\
        Copyright (c) 2018, Exneyder A. Monotoya-Araque and Ludger O.\
        `BSD-2-Clause <>`_ or\

[docs]def normalizeTensors(sample): '''Divides all the tensor's elements by the mean susceptibility :math:`{k}`, *i.e.* gets :math:`\\boldsymbol{k}_\\mathrm{norm}` using the equations (8) of `Jelínek (1978) <>`_. Parameters: sample (`numpy.ndarray`): :math:`(n \\times 6)` array that contains the values obtained from the ``extractdata`` fuction. Returns: (`numpy.ndarray`): :math:`(n \\times 6)` array that contains the\ tensors :math:`\\boldsymbol{k}_\\mathrm{norm}` with the same\ format and structure of the ``extractdata`` function's output. Examples: >>> from import dataFromFile >>> sample, numTensors = dataFromFile('inputDataExample.txt') >>> normalizeTensors(sample) array( [[ 1.02327, 1.02946, 0.94727, -0.01495, -0.03599, -0.05574], [1.02315, 1.01803, 0.95882, -0.00924, -0.02058, -0.03151], [1.02801, 1.03572, 0.93627, -0.03029, -0.03491, -0.06088], [1.02775343, 1.00633335, 0.96591322, -0.01635005, -0.04148014, -0.02006007], [1.02143, 1.01775, 0.96082, -0.02798, -0.04727, -0.02384], [1.01822661, 1.01202663, 0.96974677, -0.01125996, -0.02832991, -0.03648988], [1.01486338, 1.0206734 , 0.96446321, -0.01046003, -0.01913006, -0.03864013], [1.04596, 1.01133, 0.94271, -0.0166 , -0.04711, -0.03636]]) ''' import numpy as np # Knowing the number of rows sample = np.array(sample) numTensors = int(np.shape(sample)[0]) # Normalizing the tensors with the first invariant. sampleNorm = np.zeros((0, 6)) for k in range(0, numTensors): a = sample[[k], :] / sum(sample[[k], 0:3][0]) b = np.array(list(a[0])) * 3 sampleNorm = np.vstack([sampleNorm, b]) return sampleNorm
[docs]def meantensor(sample, normalized=False): '''Estimates the mean tensor :math:`\\boldsymbol{k}` of a randomly chosen sample of :math:`n` specimens by using the equation (11) of `Jelínek (1978) <>`_ after being normalized the specimens through the ``normalizeTensors`` function. Parameters: sample (`numpy.ndarray`): :math:`(n \\times 6)` array that contains the values of the tensors after being imported with the ``extractdata`` function. normalize (`bool`): Logical variable to indicate if the tensors in the ``sample`` variable are already normalized by using the equation (11) of (`Jelínek (1978) <>`_). ``False`` is the default value. In the case they are not normalized, they will be. Returns: Three elements are returned; they are described below. - **meanTensorVect** (`numpy.ndarray`): Mean tensor in vector\ form. - **meanTensorMtx** (`numpy.ndarray`): Mean tensor in matrix\ form. - **numTensors** (`int`): Number of tensors. Examples: >>> from import dataFromFile >>> from jelinekstat.jelinekstat import meantensor >>> sample, numTensors = dataFromFile('inputDataExample.txt') >>> meanTensorVect, meanTensorMtx, numTensors = meantensor( sample, normalized=False) >>> meanTensorVect array([ 1.02533293, 1.01891542, 0.95575165, -0.01714126, -0.03435001, >>> -0.03794001]) >>> meanTensorMtx array([[ 1.02533293, -0.01714126, -0.03794001], [-0.01714126, 1.01891542, -0.03435001], [-0.03794001, -0.03435001, 0.95575165]]) >>> numTensors 8 ''' import numpy as np from import tensorvect2matrixform sample = sample.T numTensors = np.shape(sample)[1] tensorsList = list() normalizedTensorsList = list() for i in range(numTensors): T = sample[:, i] tensorsList.append(T) if normalized: normalizedTensorsList.append(T) else: # normalization with respect first invariant inv1 = sum(T[0:3])/3 normalizedTensorsList.append(T/inv1) meanTensorVect = np.mean(normalizedTensorsList, axis=0) # mean tensor matricial form meanTensorMtx = tensorvect2matrixform(meanTensorVect) return meanTensorVect, meanTensorMtx, numTensors
[docs]def covMtx2PPlane(covMtx, meanTensor, numTensors, tensorVectForm=True): '''Obtains the covariance matrix :math:`\\boldsymbol{\\mathrm{V^\\mathrm{P}}}` of the :math:`\\boldsymbol{k^\\mathrm{P}}`'s elements (*i.e.* going over to a Cartesian system determined by :math:`\\boldsymbol{p}_1, \\boldsymbol{p}_2\ \&\ \\boldsymbol{p}_3` as is shown equation (19) of `Jelínek (1978) <>`_), by using the equation (20) and (21) of the same reference. Parameters: covMtx (`numpy.ndarray`): :math:`(6 \\times 6)` array that estimates\ the unbiased covariance matrix :math:`\\boldsymbol{\\mathrm{V}}`\ of the tensors in the sample. It can be obtained by using the\ equation (13) of `Jelínek (1978) <>`_) or the ``cov`` numpy function (as is shown in the example). meanTensor (`numpy.ndarray`): mean tensor :math:`\\boldsymbol{k}` of\ he sample either in vector or matrix form. numTensors (`int`): Number of tensors in the sample. tensorVectForm (`bool`): Logical variable to indicate if the input \ mean tensor is in vector form. ``True`` is the default value. Returns: (`numpy.ndarray`): :math:`(6 \\times 6)` covariance matrix \ :math:`\\boldsymbol{\\mathrm{V^\\mathrm{P}}}` of \ :math:`\\boldsymbol{k^\\mathrm{P}}`'s elements. Examples: >>> from numpy import cov >>> from import dataFromFile >>> from jelinekstat.jelinekstat import meantensor, covMtx2PPlane >>> sample, numTensors = dataFromFile('inputDataExample.txt') >>> normTensors = normalizeTensors(sample) >>> meanTensorVect, meanTensorMtx, numTensors = meantensor( >>> normTensors, normalized=True) >>> covMtx = cov(normTensors.T, bias=False) >>> covMtx2PPlane( >>> covMtx, meanTensorVect, numTensors) array([[ 1.02065332e-04, 4.74951816e-05, -1.49560514e-04, -1.65998575e-06, 3.81988803e-05, -2.24249042e-05], [ 4.74951816e-05, 5.55684188e-05, -1.03063600e-04, -2.03320518e-05, -5.50208910e-06, -1.06377394e-05], [ -1.49560514e-04, -1.03063600e-04, 2.52624114e-04, 2.19920375e-05, -3.26967912e-05, 3.30626436e-05], [ -1.65998575e-06, -2.03320518e-05, 2.19920375e-05, 2.95042484e-05, 2.05384181e-05, -7.98602106e-06], [ 3.81988803e-05, -5.50208910e-06, -3.26967912e-05, 2.05384181e-05, 9.00227092e-05, -7.40633382e-05], [ -2.24249042e-05, -1.06377394e-05, 3.30626436e-05, -7.98602106e-06, -7.40633382e-05, 9.59108639e-05]]) ''' import numpy as np from import tensorvect2matrixform, getEigSorted if tensorVectForm: meanTensor = tensorvect2matrixform(meanTensor) eigVal_mT, eigVec_mT = getEigSorted(meanTensor) t = eigVec_mT # --- transformation matrix D (equation (21) of Jelinek, 1978) --- # D = np.array([[t[0, 0]**2, t[1, 0]**2, t[2, 0]**2, 2*t[0, 0]*t[1, 0], 2*t[1, 0]*t[2, 0], 2*t[2, 0]*t[0, 0]], [t[0, 1]**2, t[1, 1]**2, t[2, 1]**2, 2*t[0, 1]*t[1, 1], 2*t[1, 1]*t[2, 1], 2*t[2, 1]*t[0, 1]], [t[0, 2]**2, t[1, 2]**2, t[2, 2]**2, 2*t[0, 2]*t[1, 2], 2*t[1, 2]*t[2, 2], 2*t[2, 2]*t[0, 2]], [t[0, 0]*t[0, 1], t[1, 0]*t[1, 1], t[2, 0]*t[2, 1], t[0, 0]*t[1, 1]+t[1, 0]*t[0, 1], t[1, 0]*t[2, 1]+t[2, 0]*t[1, 1], t[2, 0]*t[0, 1]+t[0, 0]*t[2, 1]], [t[0, 1]*t[0, 2], t[1, 1]*t[1, 2], t[2, 1]*t[2, 2], t[0, 1]*t[1, 2]+t[1, 1]*t[0, 2], t[1, 1]*t[2, 2]+t[2, 1]*t[1, 2], t[2, 1]*t[0, 2]+t[0, 1]*t[2, 2]], [t[0, 2]*t[0, 0], t[1, 2]*t[1, 0], t[2, 2]*t[2, 0], t[0, 2]*t[1, 0]+t[1, 2]*t[0, 0], t[1, 2]*t[2, 0]+t[2, 2]*t[1, 0], t[2, 2]*t[0, 0]+t[0, 2]*t[2, 0]] ]) # Here D should be multiplied by (N-1)/N, being N the number of total # tensor data but the difference is despreciable for big N, ie for N >= 10. D = (numTensors - 1) / numTensors * D pCovMtx =,, D.T)) # equation (20) of Jelinek (1978) return pCovMtx
[docs]def localCovMtxs(meanTensor, pCovMtx, tensorVectForm=True): '''Determines the covariance matrix :math:`\\boldsymbol{\\mathrm{W}_i}` of the random variables :math:`\\left(\\mathrm{d}p_{ji}, \\mathrm{d}p_{ki}\\right)` from the local Cartesian System :math:`\\mathrm{d}\\boldsymbol{p}_i` that define the :math:`\\mathscr{P}-` plane where each confidence area of the mean tensor's princial direcions are drawn by using the equation (27) of `Jelínek (1978) <>`_. Parameters: meanTensor (`numpy.ndarray`): mean tensor :math:`\\boldsymbol{k}` of the sample either in vector or matrix form. pCovMtx (`numpy.ndarray`): :math:`(6 \\times 6)` covariance matrix :math:`\\boldsymbol{\\mathrm{V^\\mathrm{P}}}` of :math:`\\boldsymbol{k^\\mathrm{P}}`'s elements. It is obtained with the ``covMtx2PPlane`` function. tensorVectForm (`bool`): Logical variable to indicate if the input :math:`\\boldsymbol{k}` is in vector form. ``True`` is the default value. Returns: Three elements are returned; they are described below. - **W** (`list`): list of three :math:`(2 \\times 2)` arrayes\ with the covariance matrix :math:`\\boldsymbol{\\mathrm{W}_i}`\ described above. - **eigVal_W** (`list`): list with the three couples of \ :math:`\\boldsymbol{\\mathrm{W}_i}`'s eigenvalues obtained \ with the ``getEigSorted`` function. - **eigVec_W** (`list`): list with the three :math:`(2 \\times 2)`\ arrayes of :math:`\\boldsymbol{\\mathrm{W}_i}`'s eigevectors\ obtained with the ``getEigSorted`` function. Examples: >>> from numpy import cov >>> from import dataFromFile >>> from jelinekstat.jelinekstat import meantensor, covMtx2PPlane >>> sample, numTensors = dataFromFile('inputDataExample.txt') >>> normTensors = normalizeTensors(sample) >>> meanTensorVect, meanTensorMtx, numTensors = meantensor( >>> normTensors, normalized=True) >>> covMtx = cov(normTensors.T, bias=False) >>> pCovMtx = covMtx2PPlane( >>> covMtx, meanTensorVect, numTensors) >>> W, eigVal_W, eigVec_W = localCovMtxs( >>> meanTensorVect, pCovMtx) >>> W [array([[ 0.41635005, -0.00798796], [-0.00798796, 0.00679994]]), array([[ 0.00739345, -0.02211065], [-0.02211065, 0.41635005]]), array([[ 0.00679994, -0.00565157], [-0.00565157, 0.00739345]])] >>> eigVal_W [array([ 0.41650579, 0.0066442 ]), array([ 0.41754201, 0.00620149]), array([ 0.01275605, 0.00143733])] >>> eigVec_W [array([[ 0.99980999, 0.01949312], [-0.01949312, 0.99980999]]), array([[ 0.05383071, -0.99855008], [-0.99855008, -0.05383071]]), array([[ 0.68831829, -0.7254088 ], [-0.7254088 , -0.68831829]])] ''' import numpy as np from import tensorvect2matrixform, getEigSorted if tensorVectForm: meanTensor = tensorvect2matrixform(meanTensor) eigVal_mT, eigVec_mT = getEigSorted(meanTensor) t = eigVal_mT W = list() eigVal_W = list() eigVec_W = list() for l, r, s in [(0, 1, 2), (1, 2, 0), (2, 0, 1)]: Wl = np.array( [[pCovMtx[3 + l, 3 + l] / (t[l] - t[r])**2, pCovMtx[3 + l, 3 + s] / ((t[l] - t[r]) * (t[l] - t[s]))], [pCovMtx[3 + l, 3 + s] / ((t[l] - t[r]) * (t[l] - t[s])), pCovMtx[3 + s, 3 + s] / (t[l] - t[s])**2]]) W.append(Wl) eigVal, eigVec = getEigSorted(Wl) eigVal_W.append(eigVal) eigVec_W.append(eigVec) return W, eigVal_W, eigVec_W
[docs]def eigValsIntervals(pCovMtx, numTensors, confLvl=0.95, estimate=True): '''Determines the limits of the variabilities of :math:`\\boldsymbol{k}`'s principal values for a confidence level given. Ther are obtained by using the equation (29) of `Jelínek (1978) <>`_ or their estimate values by using the equation (35) of `Jelínek (1978) <>`_. Parameters: pCovMtx (`numpy.ndarray`): :math:`(6 \\times 6)` covariance matrix :math:`\\boldsymbol{\\mathrm{V^\\mathrm{P}}}` of :math:`\\boldsymbol{k^\\mathrm{P}}`'s elements. It is obtained with the ``covMtx2PPlane`` function. numTensors (`int`): Number of tensors in the sample. confLvl (`float`): Confidence level of the limits of the variabilities of :math:`\\boldsymbol{k}`'s principal values. ``0.95`` is the default value. estimate (`bool`): Logical variable to indicate if the output is based whether on the real or estimate covariance matrix :math:`\\boldsymbol{\\mathrm{V^\\mathrm{P}}}`. ``True`` is the default value. Returns: (`numpy.ndarray`): Array with the three limits of the variabilities of\ :math:`\\boldsymbol{k}`'s principal values. Examples: >>> from numpy import cov >>> from import dataFromFile >>> from jelinekstat.jelinekstat import * >>> sample, numTensors = dataFromFile('inputDataExample.txt') >>> normTensors = normalizeTensors(sample) >>> meanTensorVect, meanTensorMtx, numTensors = meantensor( >>> normTensors, normalized=True) >>> covMtx = cov(normTensors.T, bias=False) >>> pCovMtx = covMtx2PPlane( >>> covMtx, meanTensorVect, numTensors) >>> eigValsIntervals( >>> pCovMtx, numTensors, confLvl=0.95, estimate=True) array([ 0.0084461 , 0.00623205, 0.01328784]) ''' import numpy as np from scipy.stats import norm, t if estimate: # t-student distribution stat = abs(t.ppf((1-confLvl)/2, df=numTensors-1)) # Eq. (35) else: # normal/gaussian distribution stat = abs(norm.ppf((1-confLvl)/2)) # Eq. (29) intervals = list() variance = np.diag(pCovMtx)/numTensors # Eq. (26) for i in range(3): intervals.append(stat * variance[i]**0.5) return np.array(intervals)
[docs]def eigVectsRegions(W, eigVal_W, eigVec_W, numTensors, confLvl=0.95, estimate=True): '''Determines the ellipses' geometric parameters of the confidence regions that define the limits of the variabilities of the :math:`\\boldsymbol{k}`'s principal vectors. The axes lenghts ara obtained by using the equation (32) of `Jelínek (1978) <>`_ or their estimated values by using the equation (35) of `Jelínek (1978) <>`_ and the inclination angles by using the equation (41) of the same reference. Parameters: W (`list`): list of three :math:`(2 \\times 2)` arrayes with the covariance matrix :math:`\\boldsymbol{\\mathrm{W}_i}` described above. It is obtained from the ``eigValsIntervals`` function. eigVal_W (`list`): list with the three couples of :math:`\\boldsymbol{\\mathrm{W}_i}`'s eigenvalues obtained with the ``getEigSorted`` function. It is obtained from the ``eigValsIntervals`` function. eigVec_W (`list`): list with the three :math:`(2 \\times 2)` arrayes of :math:`\\boldsymbol{\\mathrm{W}_i}`'s eigevectors obtained with the ``getEigSorted`` function. It is obtained from the ``eigValsIntervals`` function. numTensors (`int`): Number of tensors in the sample. confLvl (`float`): Confidence level of the limits of the variabilities of :math:`\\boldsymbol{k}`'s principal vectors. ``0.95`` is the default value. estimate (`bool`): Logical variable to indicate if the output is based whether on the real or estimate covariance matrix :math:`\\boldsymbol{\\mathrm{V^\\mathrm{P}}}`. ``True`` is the default value. Returns: Three elements are returned; they are described below. - **majorAxis** (`numpy.ndarray`): Array with the three lengths of\ the ellipses' major axis that define the confidence region. \ The order is acording to the principal values returned from\ the ``getEigSorted`` function. - **minorAxis** (`list`): list with the three couples of \ :math:`\\boldsymbol{\\mathrm{W}_i}`'s eigenvalues obtained\ with the ``getEigSorted`` function. The order is acording to \ the principal values returned from the ``getEigSorted`` \ function. - **theta** (`list`): list with the three ellipse inclinations in\ radians measured from the horizontal axis of the local\ Cartesian System of each ellipse to the respective major axis\ counter clockwise. Examples: :: >>> from numpy import cov >>> from import dataFromFile >>> from jelinekstat.jelinekstat import * >>> sample, numTensors = dataFromFile('inputDataExample.txt') >>> normTensors = normalizeTensors(sample) >>> meanTensorVect, meanTensorMtx, numTensors = meantensor( >>> normTensors, normalized=True) >>> covMtx = cov(normTensors.T, bias=False) >>> pCovMtx = covMtx2PPlane( >>> covMtx, meanTensorVect, numTensors) >>> W, eigVal_W, eigVec_W = localCovMtxs( >>> meanTensorVect, pCovMtx) >>> majorAxis, minorAxis, theta = eigVectsRegions( >>> W, eigVal_W, eigVec_W, numTensors, confLvl=0.95, >>> estimate=True) >>> majorAxis array([ 0.66888885, 0.66949335, 0.13745895]) >>> minorAxis array([ 0.09950548, 0.09615434, 0.04640122]) >>> theta array([-0.01949436, -1.51693959, -0.81162812]) ''' import numpy as np from scipy.stats import chi2, f majorAxis = list() minorAxis = list() theta = list() if estimate: stat = f.ppf(confLvl, 2, numTensors-2) # F distribution T2 = stat * 2 * (numTensors-1) / (numTensors * (numTensors-2)) for i in range(3): # Eq. (37) majorAxis.append(np.arctan((T2 * eigVal_W[i][0])**0.5)) minorAxis.append(np.arctan((T2 * eigVal_W[i][1])**0.5)) theta.append(np.arctan(eigVec_W[i][1, 0]/eigVec_W[i][0, 0])) else: stat = chi2.ppf(confLvl, df=2) # Chi-square distribution for i in range(3): # Eq. (32) majorAxis.append((stat * eigVal_W[i][0] / numTensors)**0.5) minorAxis.append((stat * eigVal_W[i][1] / numTensors)**0.5) theta.append(np.arctan(eigVec_W[i][1, 0]/eigVec_W[i][0, 0])) return np.array(majorAxis), np.array(minorAxis), np.array(theta)
[docs]def tensorStat(sample, confLevel=0.95, want2plot=True, plotName='001', ext='pdf'): '''Summarizes the `Jelínek (1978) <>`_ statisctic proposal for 2nd-order tensors and plots it if is wanted. Parameters: sample (`numpy.ndarray`): :math:`(n \times 6)` array that contains the values obtained from the ``extractdata`` fuction. confLvl (`float`): Confidence level of the limits of the variabilities of :math:`\boldsymbol{k}`'s principal vectors and values. ``0.95`` is the default value. want2plot (`bool`): Logical variable to indicate if is wanted to plot the summary. ``True`` is the default value. plotName (`str`): Sample name for saving the final plot. '01' is the default value. ext (`str`): File extension for saving the final plot. 'pdf' is the default value. Returns: (`dict`): Summary of the\ `Jelínek (1978) <>`_ statisctic\ proposal for 2nd-order tensors where is stored the data related to\ the mean tensor and its variability expressed as the variability\ of their principal values and vectors. Examples: >>> from import dataFromFile >>> from jelinekstat.jelinekstat import tensorStat >>> sample, numTensors = dataFromFile('inputDataExample.txt') >>> jelinekStatsSummary, stereonetPlot = tensorStat( >>> sample, confLevel=0.95, want2plot=True, plotName='example', >>> ext='pdf') >>> jelinekStatsSummary {'K': array([[ 1.02533293, -0.01714126, -0.03794001], [-0.01714126, 1.01891542, -0.03435001], [-0.03794001, -0.03435001, 0.95575165]]), 'k': array([1.02533, 1.01891, 0.95575, -0.01714, -0.03435, -0.03794]), 'n': 8, 'k1': {'value': 1.042393712466853, 'variability': 0.008446101031382}, 'k2': {'value': 1.033975634080194, 'variability': 0.006232053391831}, 'k3': {'value': 0.92363065345295237, 'variability': 0.0132878448184}, 'p1': {'coords': array([-0.92438729, 0.196842 , 0.32674357]), 'plg': 19.071242330117354, 'trd': 167.97880567817268, 'majAx': 0.66888885495049721, 'minAx': 0.099505476893979108, 'incl': -1.1169443953398852}, 'p2': {'coords': array([-0.04467227, -0.90653975, 0.41975002]), 'plg': 24.818806179014864, 'trd': 267.17887306022931, 'majAx': 0.66949335258868026, 'minAx': 0.096154338416730253, 'incl': -86.914236097035555}, 'p3': {'coords': array([-0.37883047, -0.37341521, -0.8467872 ]), 'plg': 57.863927991299327, 'trd': 44.587546531270618, 'majAx': 0.13745894751107776, 'minAx': 0.0464012210689351, 'incl': -46.502865813326189}} >>> .. figure:: :alt: jelinekstat_tensorStat_example .. only:: html :download:`example script<../examples/figuresScripts/>`. ''' import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from import getEigSorted, confRegions2PPlanes, \ eigVects2PlgTrd, proyAllEllipses2LongLat, splitIterables # Normalization of the imput sample sample = normalizeTensors(sample) # Mean tensor from normalized data and sample size (n) k, K, n = meantensor(sample, True) # k (vector); K (matrix) # Eigenvalues (kK) and eigenvectors (pK) of the mean tensor kK, pK = getEigSorted(K) # Unbiased covariance matrix (V). V = np.cov(sample.T, bias=False) # Covariance matrix (V) in the system of the k's principal vectors (pV). pV = covMtx2PPlane(V, k, n) # Confidence intervals of eigenvalues of mean tensor (kIntervals). kIntervals = eigValsIntervals(pV, n, confLevel) # Local covariance matrices (W) in each P-plane of each confidence region. W, eigValW, eigVectW = localCovMtxs(k, pV) # Length and orientation of ellipses semi-axis. majorAxis, minorAxis, theta = eigVectsRegions( W, eigValW, eigVectW, n, confLevel) # Coordiantes of the three ellipses in each P-plane. x, y, PPlanePlots = confRegions2PPlanes( majorAxis, minorAxis, theta, want2plot, confLevel) # Stereographic notation to plot the mean tensor's principal vectors (pK). pKPlg, pKTrd = eigVects2PlgTrd(k) # Plg (plunge); Trd (trend) # (plunge,trend) notation to plot principal axis of all tensors. samplePlgTrd = list(map(eigVects2PlgTrd, sample)) # (lon, lat) notation of each confidence region. kRegionsLong, kRegionsLat = proyAllEllipses2LongLat(x, y, k) # Summary of the Jelinek (1978) statistic proposal for 2nd-order tensors. jelinekStatSummary = { 'K': K, 'k': k, 'n': n, 'k1': {'value': kK[0], 'variability': kIntervals[0]}, 'k2': {'value': kK[1], 'variability': kIntervals[1]}, 'k3': {'value': kK[2], 'variability': kIntervals[2]}, 'p1': {'coords': pK[:, 0], 'plg': pKPlg[0], 'trd': pKTrd[0], 'majAx': majorAxis[0], 'minAx': minorAxis[0], 'incl': np.degrees(theta[0])}, 'p2': {'coords': pK[:, 1], 'plg': pKPlg[1], 'trd': pKTrd[1], 'majAx': majorAxis[1], 'minAx': minorAxis[1], 'incl': np.degrees(theta[1])}, 'p3': {'coords': pK[:, 2], 'plg': pKPlg[2], 'trd': pKTrd[2], 'majAx': majorAxis[2], 'minAx': minorAxis[2], 'incl': np.degrees(theta[2])} } # Plotting. fig = plt.figure(num='Jelinek plot summary') if want2plot: plt.ioff() markers = ['s', '^', 'o'] labels = ['$k_1 = ' + str(round(kK[0], 3)) + '\pm' + str(round(kIntervals[0], 3)) + '$', '$k_2 = ' + str(round(kK[1], 3)) + '\pm' + str(round(kIntervals[1], 3)) + '$', '$k_3 = ' + str(round(kK[2], 3)) + '\\pm' + str(round(kIntervals[2], 3)) + '$'] ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='stereonet') # Eigenvectors of all tensors for tensor in samplePlgTrd: for i in range(3): ax.line(tensor[0][i], tensor[1][i], markers[i], color='0.3', ms=5, fillstyle='none') # Eigenvectors of mean tensor for i in range(3): ax.line(pKPlg[i], pKTrd[i], markers[i], color='k', ms=7, label=labels[i]) # Confidence regions for i in range(3): kRegionsLongSplitted, kRegionsLatSplitted = splitIterables( kRegionsLong[i], kRegionsLat[i]) for i in range(len(kRegionsLongSplitted)): ax.plot(kRegionsLongSplitted[i], kRegionsLatSplitted[i], ':k', lw=1) # Empty plot to add the confidence region legends. confLvl = str(round(confLevel * 100, 1)) ax.line(0, 0, ':k', lw=1, label='$'+confLvl + '\%$ conf. regions') ax.legend(loc=tuple(np.radians([45, -7])), fontsize='x-small') ax.grid(True, ls='--', lw=0.5) fig.savefig(plotName + '.' + ext, bbox_inches='tight') return jelinekStatSummary, fig